Medieval: Total War

This site is dedicated to the game Medieval: Total War, released in the US 23-Aug-2002 and the UK 30-Aug- 2002.
The objective of this site is to give the gamer some historic information to help them understand the period and play
the game.

knight viking

LATEST UPDATE – 21st September

Italian history has been rewrote and sections have been added on
Northern Italy

LATEST UPDATE – 21 August 2003

The Guide to the HRE faction is now being produced The guide to the early era is complete. More updates coming soon (Ongoing)

Holy Roman Empire (germany)

LATEST UPDATE – May 7th 2003 – Viking Invasion Factions initial work complete.

I have now completed the initial description on the new factions in VI for the Viking era. A more in-depth breakdown will follow. I have already started the section on Mercia, as its my home area.

viking Vikings mercia Mercia northumbrian Northumbrian wessex Saxon
Picts scotti Scotti Irish Welsh




Help required in writing articles on Castles, gaming units, etc. If you are interested in joining the team to work on
please contact me ShadesWolf

Disclaimer: This site is an unofficial fansite and any views expressed on this site are not in any way connected to CA or Activision