While there was Islamic influence on Spanish military styles, there was also Spanish influence on aspects of life in Granada. Frontier towns became strongly fortified, while Granada itself remained an important arms manufacturing centre. Though there were periods of peace, Granada was aware of constant Christian threat and evolved tactics to deal with it. These were essentially defensive, though raids were also carried out on Castilian territory. Granada was, for its small size, a significant military power, often able to field more men than its larger foes. A Ministry of War dealt with conscription, payment and administrative matters. Pay varied according to rank and troops included light cavalry, infantry, archers and crossbowmen, many of the latter being mounted. Infantry formed a growing majority in these defensive armies, proportions of 3:1 and 6:1 being recorded in 1361. Crossbowmen were probably the most important element in Granadan tactics, they relied on harassment, ambush and guerrilla action.